Power Supply System
Traction substation includes transformers, fuses, circuit breakers, distribution lines, connectors, reflow lines and other equipments. Using infrared camera can find troubles of the connector, casing, and three-phase unbalance and other risks.The transformer tank is caused fever for oil pipeline blockage, eddy current loss, inner exception, core insulation failure, the detection of the transformer tank by infrared camera can make it always normal temperature, avoiding damage for excessive temperature.

Traction substation

Maintenance and Vehicle Systems
Locomotives and vehicles have a lot of electrical equipment. In a large area within a short period of time, Infrared camera can scan high-voltage contactors, fuse panel, main power circuit breaker disk, contactors, as well as all the distribution lines, electric motors, transformers and other electrical equipment to quickly find the point of failure and risks. Accurately detecting the vehicle Hotbox can prevent accidents of eagerly axis.

A variety of motor, transmission equipment: such as electric motors, generators, asynchronous splitter, oil-water exchange, air dryer, bearings, buffer, transmission, traction machine. Using infrared camera can find excessive temperature of bearing, unbalanced load, shorted or open winding, carbon brushes, slip rings, and the current collector ring fever, overload and overheat, cooling lines clogged, and so on.
Diesel-electric locomotive

Intercooler fan